Cardio Con - Group Cardio Classes
Cardio Con is an exciting, new Krav Maga conditioning program designed to increase your horsepower through intense cardio classes. During these group workout classes, you’ll reach a whole new level of intense exertion! Your arms will shake, your legs will burn, and the fat will melt off of your body.
Cardio classes are designed to build a stronger physique quickly and efficiently. You’ll work hard in every class, but the results will be well worth the effort.
Intense Cardio Training
It’s not a con . . . It’s real results.
Cardio classes offer a fat burning, six-pack inducing, high-intensity workout. It turns weaklings into warriors and instills a newfound sense of confidence in you. Join a Krav Maga fitness class and witness the power of Cardio Con.
What is Cardio Con?
Lose weight without lifting a weight!
Our Cardio Con class is a CrossFit style workout using only body weight, plyo boxes, medicine balls, kettlebells, dumbbells, pull-up bars, rings, and most importantly, heart!
This class does not make use of heavy Olympic weightlifting. It’s a fast-paced class built on the latest in sports medicine and sheer body power.
This is your program, so make the most of what we offer. Take this class consistently and experience the transformation!
Find a Cardio Con Group Workout Class
Reach out to the HQ Training Center in West LA center today to get started. Contact us to find out if one of our 140 official training centers across the world offers classes similar to Cardio Con.