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Wednesday, 7/10/2024

LEVEL 1 Straight Punches Hammerfist Forward Hammerfist Down Front Kick to Groin Defense vs. Headlock from the Side Side Position on Ground Side Kick on Ground Transition Kick on Ground Getting Up from Ground LEVEL 2 Review Defense vs. Choke from Side Review Defense vs. Choke from Behind Defensive Front

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Tuesday, 7/9/2024

LEVEL 1 Movement Straight Punches Palm Heel Strikes Straight Punch with Advance Straight Punch with Retreat Defense vs. Headlock from the Side LEVEL 2 Defensive Front Kick Side Kick Back Kick Wrist Release vs. 2 Attackers Wrist Release vs. 3 Attackers LEVEL 3 2 Hand Head Control Defense vs. 2

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Monday, 7/8/2024

LEVEL 1 Straight Punches Palm Heel Strikes Eye Strikes Hammerfist Forward Hammerfist Down Defense from the Side vs. Headlock LEVEL 2 Review Low Straight Punch Review Inside Defense vs. Low Straight Punch Inside Defense + Counterattack vs. Left Punch Inside Defense + Counterattack vs. Right Punch (2 Counters) Inside Defense

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Sunday, 7/7/2024

LEVEL 1 Knee Strike Defense vs. Headlock from Side LEVEL 2 Review Front Kick and Round Kick Round Kick with Forward Leg (in place / with switch) Front Kick to Groin with Advance Defense vs. Front Kick (Redirect with Shin) Outside Stabbing Defense vs. Front Kick Defense vs. Low Round

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Saturday, 7/6/2024

LEVEL 1 Elbow Strikes #1, #2, #3 Hammerfist to Side Knee Strikes Defense vs. Headlock from Behind – Bar Arm Defense vs. Headlock from Behind – Carotid LEVEL 2 Focus Mitt Combinations Front Kick to the Groin with Advance Defense vs. Front Kick (Redirect with Shin) Inside Defense + Counterattack

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Friday, 7/5/2024

LEVEL 1 Movement (forward, back, side, step pivot) Straight Punch Palm Heel Strike Elbow Strike #1 Defense vs. Choke from Front with Push Defense vs. Choke from Behind with Push LEVEL 2 Basic Sprawl Focus Mitt Combinations 360 Defenses + Counterattacks Defense vs. Knee Grab LEVEL 3 Review Overhand Punch

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Thursday, 7/4/2024

LEVEL 1 Straight Punches Front Kick to Groin Knee Strikes Wrist Releases Defense vs. Headlock from Behind – Bar Arm Defense vs. Headlock from Behind – Carotid LEVEL 2 Review Movement Review Straight Punch Review Inside Defense Inside Defense + Counterattacks vs. Left Punch Inside Defense + Counterattacks vs. Left

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Wednesday, 7/3/2024

LEVEL 1 Straight Punch Inside Defense vs. Straight Punch Inside Defense vs. Low Straight Punch 360 Defense vs. Outside Attack LEVEL 2 Focus Mitt Combinations Review: Palm Strikes (various angles) Striking from Full Mount Exit from Mount Escaping the Guard Defense vs. Choke from Behind while Mounted LEVEL 3 Review

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Tuesday, 7/2/2024

LEVEL 1 Movement  Low Straight Punch Straight Punch with Advance Inside Defense vs. Straight Punch Inside Defense vs. Low Straight Punch 360 Defense vs. Outside Attacks LEVEL 2 Defense vs. Bearhug from Behind with Arms Free Defense vs. Bearhug from Behind with Arms Caught Defense vs. Bearhug from the Front

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Monday, 7/1/2024

LEVEL 1 Straight Punch Low Straight Punch Straight Punch with Advance Inside Defense vs. Straight Punch LEVEL 2 Focus Mitt Combinations Review Inside Defenses Review 360 Defenses Inside Defense + Counterattack vs. Left Punch Inside Defense + Counterattack vs. Right Punch (2 counters) Inside Defense + Counterattack vs. Right Punch

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Sunday, 6/30/2024

LEVEL 1 Straight Punch Low Straight Punch Movement Back Position and Movement on the Ground Side Position and Movement on the Ground LEVEL 2 Focus Mitt Combinations Review Inside Defenses Review 360 Defenses Inside Defense + Counterattack vs. Left Punch Inside Defense + Counterattack vs. Right Punch (2 counters) Inside

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Saturday, 6/29/2024

LEVEL 1 Front Kick to Groin Round Kick Side Position and Movement on Ground Side Kick on Ground Transition Kick on Ground Getting Up from Ground LEVEL 2 Defensive Back Kick Back Fall Break Side Fall Break Review Transition Kicks and Getting Up from Ground LEVEL 3 Review Defense vs.

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Friday, 6/28/2024

LEVEL 1 Straight Punches with Advance Front Kick to Groin Round Kick Back Position and Movement on Ground Round Kick on Ground Getting Up from Ground LEVEL 2 Bobbing vs. Hook Punch Weave vs. Straight Punch Hook Punch Uppercut Punch Overhand Punch Focus Mitt Combinations 360 Defenses + Counterattacks Plucking

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Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Thursday, 6/27/2024

LEVEL 1 Movement Straight Punch Front Kick to Vertical Target Back Position and Movement on Ground Front Kick on Ground Getting Up from Ground LEVEL 2 Uppercut Back Kick Defense vs. Bearhug from Behind with Arms Free Defense vs. Bearhug from Behind with Arms Caught Recognition Drills LEVEL 3 Defense

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Woman throwing an elbow strike to a man who is attacking her from behind during a Krav Maga self-defense drill.

Krav Maga Techniques you need to know for personal safety

The landscape of the self-defense and martial arts training world can be incredibly confusing. Trying to figure out which style of training, which physical location to train at, which community of people to become involved with, can all seem overwhelming and stressful. Everyone who becomes interested in learning self-defense wants

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Why Krav Maga is Not a Martial Art

If you practice a martial art, Krav Maga is likely a fighting system you’ve heard of. Thanks to its rising popularity and increasing roster of celebrity practitioners, many people outside of the world of martial arts are starting to take interest in Krav Maga –– and even recognize it by

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Silhouette of woman punching set against the background of a setting sun.

Krav Maga Definition | The 3 Biggest Myths About Krav Maga

Krav Maga Definition | The 3 Biggest Myths About Krav Maga Krav maga is more popular now than ever before. Every day, new people are discovering this valuable self-defense system and improving their bodies and minds exponentially. But the more well-known something becomes, the faster the rumors start to fly,

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TV remote in foreground with flat-screen TV in background

Should You Learn Krav Maga at Home?

Should You Learn Krav Maga at Home? Krav Maga is more popular today than it’s ever been, and it stands to reason that there’s a growing number of people who want to learn these self-defense skills for themselves. But Krav Maga doesn’t come with an instruction booklet, or with headgear

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Juicing Before a Workout: Beneficial or a Fad?

Juicing Before a Workout: Beneficial or a Fad? One of the biggest workout trends these days is juicing before workout routines. Many bodybuilders swear by the method of guzzling fruit and vegetable juices before exercising, claiming that it helps build muscle mass and gives them additional energy to maximize your

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