Sunday, 9/22/2024

Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

LEVEL 1 Elbow Strikes #1, #2, #3 Hammerfist to Side Knee Strikes Defense vs. Headlock from Behind – Bar Arm Defense vs. Headlock from Behind – Carotid LEVEL 2 Focus Mitt Combinations Front Kick to the Groin with Advance Defense vs. Front Kick (Redirect with Shin) Inside Defense + Counterattack vs. Left Punch Inside Defense […]

Krav Maga Techniques you need to know for personal safety

Woman throwing an elbow strike to a man who is attacking her from behind during a Krav Maga self-defense drill.

The landscape of the self-defense and martial arts training world can be incredibly confusing. Trying to figure out which style of training, which physical location to train at, which community of people to become involved with, can all seem overwhelming and stressful. Everyone who becomes interested in learning self-defense wants to train at the “best” […]

Why Krav Maga is Not a Martial Art

Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

If you practice a martial art, Krav Maga is likely a fighting system you’ve heard of. Thanks to its rising popularity and increasing roster of celebrity practitioners, many people outside of the world of martial arts are starting to take interest in Krav Maga –– and even recognize it by name, if not by its […]

Krav Maga Definition | The 3 Biggest Myths About Krav Maga

Silhouette of woman punching set against the background of a setting sun.

Krav Maga Definition | The 3 Biggest Myths About Krav Maga Krav maga is more popular now than ever before. Every day, new people are discovering this valuable self-defense system and improving their bodies and minds exponentially. But the more well-known something becomes, the faster the rumors start to fly, and not everything you hear […]

The best tips for improving Krav Maga self-defense skills faster

Speedometer representing how fast you can improve self-defense skills with the tips in this blog.

Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense is a system that was designed specifically to teach people to fight in a short period of time. Our roots go back to the creator of Krav Maga itself, Imi Lichtenfeld. Imi grew up as a competitive boxer and grappler in Brataslavia. During WWII Imi fought with Nazi resistance forces. At […]

Should You Learn Krav Maga at Home?

TV remote in foreground with flat-screen TV in background

Should You Learn Krav Maga at Home? Krav Maga is more popular today than it’s ever been, and it stands to reason that there’s a growing number of people who want to learn these self-defense skills for themselves. But Krav Maga doesn’t come with an instruction booklet, or with headgear and knee-pads: there’s a lot […]

Juicing Before a Workout: Beneficial or a Fad?

Krav Maga Worldwide's logo.

Juicing Before a Workout: Beneficial or a Fad? One of the biggest workout trends these days is juicing before workout routines. Many bodybuilders swear by the method of guzzling fruit and vegetable juices before exercising, claiming that it helps build muscle mass and gives them additional energy to maximize your workout. But fads are called […]

Krav Maga Basics | A Primer for Anyone Considering Krav Maga

Sparring partners in a Krav Maga basics class

Krav Maga Basics | A Primer for Anyone Considering Krav Maga Kav Maga: The Basics Krav Maga is a self-defense training system that started from humble beginnings over a century ago. Samuel Lichtenfeld, the Chief Detective Inspector in Bratislava, was well known for teaching his fellow policemen self-defense techniques at Bratislava’s first gym. These techniques […]

Preparing for Self Defense Training Courses

Learn to throw a powerful straight punch.

Preparing for Self Defense Training Courses You’ve decided to take the plunge and have signed up for self defense training courses. Are you unsure of what to expect? There’s nothing wrong with making sure you’re prepared prior to beginning self defense training courses. Consider our tips on preparing yourself for your first class: Consider Light […]

Learn How To Throw A Powerful Straight Punch

Learn to throw a powerful straight punch.

Learn How To Throw A Powerful Straight Punch. Learning self-defense is both a mental and physical process. One aspect is equally as important as the other. In order to be effective at defending yourself against an attacker or an assault you must have a no holds barred mentality. You have to be able to fight […]

3 important reasons Krav Maga self-defense classes will improve your life.

Krav Maga self-defense classes are the best way to get in shape and learn real self-defense skills.

Self-defense classes should be effective. That’s really the most important aspect of getting involved in taking self-defense classes to begin with. Self-defense classes should make you safer, stronger, and improve your quality of life overall. In order to be effective, classes have to be teaching you something practical. Something that could really help you if […]

Strength Training For Self-Defense and Martial Arts

strength training for self-defense and martial arts

Taking self-defense classes at a Krav Maga Worldwide® certified training center will get you into amazing shape. Self-defense classes push your overall conditioning levels and consistently make your body adapt to new challenges. In order to become the most effective and efficient in your self-defense training however your program should include strength training for self-defense […]

A Guide to Krav Maga Training Gear

Krav Maga self-defense classes

A Guide to Krav Maga Training Gear To make the most of your training, the right clothing and gear are essential. Proper gear helps your form, which prepares you for defense against assailants, and can protect you and your sparring partner from injury. Gear that is designed for other combat sports (such as karate, jiu […]

3 Ways Krav Maga Self-Defense Will Empower You In 2024.

Krav Maga Worldwide training is the best for overall self-defense.

Krav Maga self-defense training will change your body and your lifestyle for the better. That’s exactly the sort of thing that people are looking for, or intending, when they make New Year’s resolutions. They want to make changes. Changes that are empowering. Empowerment comes from taking action. Much of the stress, worry, doubt, and self-deprecation […]

Krav Maga is the best training for overall self-defense

Krav Maga Worldwide training is the best for overall self-defense.

Why is Self-Defense Training Necessary? Self-defense has become a concern for many people as the world has become more tumultuous, this year in particular. This kind of concern is a natural reaction to the violence we see every day on a worldwide and local scale. This reaction is about fear. Mostly the fear of the […]

Why is Self-Defense Training Necessary?

Why is Self-Defense Training Necessary? The importance of self-defense training cannot be overemphasized. There are many reasons why self-defense is important. The world can be a dangerous place. Learning to defend yourself and the people you love from those who would do you harm is an important part of staying safe and being a more […]

Krav Maga vs Muay Thai


Krav Maga vs. Muay Thai When looking at Krav Maga vs Muay Thai, there are both similarities and key differences that are immediately apparent. Muay Thai –– also referred to as Thai boxing –– is a popular martial art that relies primarily on striking opponents both at distance and in close quarters. Krav Maga, on […]

Krav Maga vs Karate

Krav Maga fight class

Krav Maga vs. Karate When deciding which martial art or fighting system to study, it’s important to take an open, honest look at your options. Not all martial arts are created equally, or for the same purpose. One of the most common martial arts in America is Karate. In fact, it is not uncommon to […]

The Best Way To Learn To Fight For Self-Defense.

Krav Maga round kick during fight training class.

The best way to learn to fight for self-defense might be different than what a large population might think or really understand.  “Fighting” is feared by some people, it’s confusing to some people, and yet it’s glorified and exciting to others. The ability to “fight” is going to be different for each and every person. […]

Learn Self-Defense. Not Just How To Fight.

Fight training at Krav Maga Worldwide.

Self-Defense and fighting. You have to know how to fight in order to defend yourself however fighting is not self-defense. That is to say, you must have fighting skills to be able to defend yourself or someone you love if you are assaulted. This is the kind of situation that Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense considers […]

Krav Maga Striking – Elbows

Krav Maga Striking – Elbows Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense is a system that was developed in Israel for the purpose of training military personnel serving in the IDF. The system’s creator, Imi Lichtenfeld, immigrated to the newly established nation of Israel at the end of WWII. He was an experienced boxer, grappler, and Nazi resistance […]

Krav Maga vs Mixed Martial Arts

Krav Maga vs. MMA

Krav Maga vs. Mixed Martial Arts Mixed martial arts is a modern and popular combat sport. It takes inspiration from a number of martial arts and self-defense systems, putting them under an umbrella of rules to encourage fair and competitive spectator fights. One of the self-defense systems it borrows from is Krav Maga. There is […]

How to prepare for a Krav Maga Belt Test

Krav Maga Levels

Krav Maga Belt Test Preparation Some background about Krav Maga. Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense is a self-defense system that was originally developed in Israel by a man named Imi Lichtenfeld. At the end of WWII when people were immigrating to the newly formed nation of Israel, it quickly became clear to the newly formed country’s […]

What Is The Best Number of Krav Maga Classes To Take Per Week

Krav Maga round kick.

How Often Should You Be Training In Krav Maga Worldwide Self-Defense? How many times a month, week, or even how many times a day should you be training in Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense in order to get the most out of your training? This is something that we encounter a lot from new and very […]

Krav Maga basics that everyone should know

Krav Maga basics

Krav Maga basics that everyone should know. Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense training is the best way to build real self-defense skills that will help you stay safe. The Krav Maga is designed to bring people to a hight level of proficiency in self-defense and hand to hand combat in a short period of time. It’s […]

Krav Maga For Beginners

Krav Maga front kick to the groin is one of the best Krav Maga moves for beginners.

Krav Maga For Beginners. A guide to success in Krav Maga Training. Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense training is a system that was designed to bring people with little to no hand-to-hand combat experience to a high level of proficiency in hand-to-hand combat in a short period of time. Basically when Israel was first becoming a […]

7 Things Every Beginner Should Know About Krav Maga

Krav Maga striking techniques.

7 Things Ever Beginner Should Know About Krav Maga So you’re interested in Krav Maga. Maybe you’re considering getting started. Perhaps you’ve already begun but haven’t quite gotten your bearings yet. In any case, you likely already know that it’s a system famous for its by-any-means-necessary approach to self-defense. Especially for beginners, Krav Maga demands […]

Krav Maga Striking – Hands

Krav Maga striking techniques.

Krav Maga Striking: Striking Using the Hands Fundamental Krav Maga strikes using the hands: straight punch, hammer fist, palm heel strikes, eye strikes/gouges, throat strikes. How to throw them. What to target. Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense utilizes a variety of different methods of striking with the hands. All of these techniques are meant to be […]

The History of Krav Maga

self-defense classes for beginners

The History of Krav Maga Krav Maga and Martial Arts: The History of Krav Maga From Israel to Los Angeles, Krav Maga self-defense training has positively changed the lives of thousands of individuals.  That being said, it took some time for this transformational program to expand into the phenomenon it is today. This amazing self […]

What are the Benefits of Krav Maga?

What are the benefits of Krav Maga?

What are the benefits of Krav Maga? The decision to start Krav Maga training involves different factors for every person. Some people start training purely out of curiosity. Some people have a specific goal in mind, like progressing through the Krav Maga belt system. For some people it’s about changing their current workout routine. For […]

Krav Maga is the best self-defense for the streets.

street self-defense

When people consider starting martial arts and self-defense training, one of the main concerns they have is whether or not the training is the best self-defense for the streets. They want to know if their training will be effective if they really have to use it to protect themselves. “Is this the best self-defense for […]

Learn the most powerful groin kick for self-defense.

Effective self-defense.

It’s important to realize that self-defense training is not meant for a competition. Using strikes like a groin kick, eye gouge, throat strike or a strike to the back of the head aren’t illegal. These techniques are not “dirty”. Especially if your life depends on it. There’s no such thing as a fair fight. These […]

The Best Way To Learn Real Krav Maga Online

krav maga online classes

The Krav Maga Worldwide Online Academy Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense classes teach practical, no holds barred techniques that are easy to learn and easy to recall under stress. The Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense system was developed in Israel just after WWII by a man named Imi Lichtenfeld. Israel was a brand new nation at the […]

Krav Maga Training For Senior Citizens

Krav Maga self-defense training for senior citizens.

Krav Maga Training For Senior Citizens Personal safety. Health and fitness. Confidence. Community. Krav Maga training is the best self-defense system for any person regardless of their demographic. Krav Maga is a self-defense system that was developed in Israel at the end of the WWII when Israel was first becoming a nation and needed to […]

Why Krav Maga is the best self-defense for women

women's self-defense

Krav Maga for Women There’s a question that people will always ask when they consider a commitment to something,  whether the commitment is to buying a bicycle, going to a restaurant, taking a trip, etc. Everyone wants to know is “what is the best” version or iteration or offering of whatever it is they are […]

The best self-defense classes for safe and strong kids

krav maga classes for kids

Krav Maga Worldwide kids classes. Self-defense classes for kids are important. There’s no doubt. No organization understands that better than Krav Maga Worldwide. Helping kids develop useful physical and mental skills is one of the biggest challenges that parents face. The challenge is about raising kids who are equipped to deal with real world obstacles […]

3 Reasons Krav Maga Is The Most Effective Self-Defense System.

effective self-defense

3 Reasons Krav Maga Is The Most Effective Self-Defense System. The Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense system was developed in Israel in the late 1940’s by a man named Imi Lichtenfeld. Israel was a newly formed nation to which people from all over the world were immigrating. There was no standing military in Israel so the […]

Can You Teach Yourself Krav Maga?

Man studying Krav Maga videos online

As Krav Maga continues to gain popularity, people are increasingly curious—is it possible to teach yourself the basics of this self-defense system through practice at home? The short answer: yes, you can teach yourself Krav Maga…but there are some very important caveats. In the age of the internet, where we’re always just a few clicks […]

Krav Maga Techniques: Kicks You Should Know For Self-Defense

Krav Maga kicks you should know for self-defense.

Krav Maga Techniques: Kicks You Should Know For Self-Defense Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense is a principle based system. It was designed that way by it’s creator, Imi Lichtenfeld, so that the system could be easily learned and bring people to a high level of proficiency in hand-to-hand combat in a very short period of time. […]

Krav Maga near me?

I want to find krav maga near me

What do I do if there is no Krav Maga near me? Krav Maga Worldwide® is the world’s leading reality based self-defense company. We have around 140 certified training centers around the world. Our training has helped thousands and thousands of people become stronger and safer by training in best self-defense system on the planet. […]

The most important Krav Maga Belt level.

What is the most important Krav Maga belt?

Krav Maga is not a ceremonial martial art but there are Krav Maga belts and corresponding Krav Maga levels. Training in Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense involves progressing through the Krav Maga belt system. The creator of Krav Maga, Imi Lichtenfeld, designed Krav Maga to be easy to learn and easy to recall under stress. One […]

Three Krav Maga Techniques That Everyone Should Know

The most important Krav Maga moves.

Three Krav Maga Techniques That Everyone Should Know. There are definitely Krav Maga techniques that everyone should know. It’s a dangerous world and having a general knowledge of Krav Maga techniques can help anyone be safer. When you are training in self-defense and martial arts there’s inevitably going to be a time that someone asks […]

Krav Maga vs. BJJ

Krav Maga vs. BJJ

Krav Maga vs. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu When comparing two styles of self-defense or martial arts there are a few ways to approach the comparison. The most common motive for comparison is to establish or understand which style is superior so that a person can train in that style and receive the best training to help them […]

Krav Maga Belt System

Krav Maga Belts

Krav Maga Belt System Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense is a system that does not adhere to many of the same ceremonial aspects still practiced in traditional martial arts but it does utilize a krav maga belt system that corresponds to the levels in which people train. There are five levels in the Krav Maga Worldwide […]

What is Krav Maga?

What is Krav Maga

What is Krav Maga? Krav Maga is a self-defense system developed by the Israel Defense Forces for training military personnel in hand-to-hand combat. Krav Maga uses instinctive movements aggressive counter attacks and a no-holds-barred mentality without the ceremonial elements of traditional martial arts. Krav Maga will teach you to use punches, kicks, knees, elbows, and […]